
Reinventing your exit..(manwhore series)

Before class, I have to sign up for field trip groups..So I get a chance to split from Aydan and Shane.

I look at all of them and see Shane’s group..its all filled up…okay..that’s fine..

I keep flipping through the pages until I find one that’s not full..I see my best friend, Layla on the list along with some very… short form..she’d die with out me… So I sign up there…I notice Aydan’s names there as well..


I then head to class, and I set myself across Aydan..and Shane right next to me..

Aydan seems so happy..he keeps smiling at me..and I just can’t help but to smile back..then the bell rings ruining are moment…

We take out our homework as Mr. Craiggory checks it off…
“Okay class, get seated..class is about to proceed..”

The class seems awfully slow today..I start sketching..getting so much into it..

Maybe there is a chance for me to stop the cries of the past…
Shane looks at me intently….
Or maybe it will just define the cries more..

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