
Pt 13: The Hallway

I stared after Cameron and then tears started rolling down my cheeks. He was right. Right about almost everything. He didn’t know how much control Emmett had over me. And he didn’t know that Emmett had the power to ruin my life with what he knows.

I couldn’t break down here though. I had to get away. I sprinted, heading for a back hallway but someone grabbed me from behind. It was Emmett, of course, because he pinned me to the wall and hissed, “I’m getting bored.â€?

“And I’m getting tired of you hurting me!â€? I screamed in his face and he looked shocked for a moment. Then, his fingers were wrapped around my throat, silencing me.

“I’m not hurting you. I’m keeping your secret and I need a reason to keep doing it.â€?

“I want you to let go of me.â€? I huffed, thinking in my head a reason for him to keep the secret. Nothing came … at first.

“I’m not letting go. Deal.” He hissed, “And you betta think of something or else everyone is going to know what you did. And you don’t want that, do you?â€? Jerk.

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