the ocean.
“Why are you staring at me?” I asked, suddenly selfconcious. He shook his head trying to play it off casually.
I inhaled, smiling freely. I loved being down by the water, it helped remind me how beautiful the world was. I ran all around, and did a cartweel. The sand felt perfect on my feet.
“What are you doing?” he asked, laughing.
“living.” this wasn’t the regular time of year to be on a beach, but I didn’t care.
I dipped my feet in the water, I felt so alive.
you’re insane he yelled, and his voice lit up the sky.
“Swim with me!” I pleaded.
“it’s freezing!” he replied.
I stared at the water, and I couldn’t keep away. I jumped in.
“Kirsten! Come out of there!” he screamed, suddenly panicked.
the happiness was gone, I couldn’t feel my body.
I kicked, and paddled, and flailed my arms, but I kept sinking. I couldn’t speak, my mouth wouldn’t open. My body sank lower and lower, until I was under.