Not to terribly politically correct.
I looked over to my left, and he was there, just as beautiful as he was Yesterday. Too bad he didn’t talk. It was such a shame for a face like that to go to waste. I’de caught him staring a few times, but he was just too damn shy. When that class ended, I cruised along waiting for fifth, and my next boy was there. He on the other hand talked quite a bit, granted everything he said had absolouty no meaning, but at least he talked. Next, I went to the last period of the day, not to mention my favorite. This one was the cream of the crop. They were all equal in appearence, but in personality, this guy took the cake. He was in no way shy, or quiet, that was my type of person. He was smart, and kind, and really quite witty. There was just one problem.
while I sat in the back, in my student desk, he was in the front.