
Johnny's World Under the Ocean

Living under the ocean little Johnny felt at home.

He played with the dolphins and sharks in harmony.
Mermaids and sea cows, every known and unknown fish of colors brighter then he could imagine.
Johnny knew his folks would be worried about him being gone so long.
But he was afraid that if he returned home, that he could never re visit this wonderful world again.
It was so peaceful under the ocean waters. It was a make believe fantasy world that he never wanted to part from.

Down here he was king, care free. It was paradise.

But he missed his family. He began to cry.

“Go home if you must Johnny, We will be here if and when you want to return. This is your special place. You are special to us,” A beautiful mermaid said.
Johnny felt comforted by her words and swam to the top of the ocean.
Reunited with his family, ( he was gone only a moment in real time, but to him it felt as though he were swimming for eternity).
When Johnny next jumped into the ocean, his paradise was gone.

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