Amy Summers, Part 3
I asked her if she wanted to catch a movie with me. We planned to see some chick flick that she wanted to see. I didn’t mind.
We called each other almost every night before we saw the movie. I asked her if her parents were okay with just us going to the movies. She said it was okay, a friend would be dropping her off anyway.
Everything seemed fine until the day of the movie.
I friend of mine, Randolf, stopped by my house today. He smokes, like I used to. He tried to convince me to start again. I said no, I’m good with peer pressure. He said that he couldn’t convince me, so he just gave me a single, expensive, blunt and one of those cheapo lighters that would easily explode if you flicked the flint and the gas just right.
I sighed at his generosity, but I had a girl to go see. I absentmindedly slipped the blunt and lighter in my jeans pocket.
I got to the mall parking lot way early; we’d meet there and walk to the movie theater from there.