
my fanclub

okay… so I’m NOT gay.
but I’m beginning to question my masculinity.
there’s this chick I met online—okay, stop right there.
I KNOW what you’re thinking, but it’s not like that.
or is it?
anyway, there’s this chick I met online. fits my profile ALMOST to a tee: tall(ish), funny, smart, passionate, rides a bike, likes to cook, is into cinema, can drive, owns a credit card, can pick a decent red wine… you get the picture.
PLUS , she’s sexy as hell.
seriously, SERIOUSLY sexy.
clearly, she wants me.
but I ain’t bitin’.
no sir-ee, Bob, I ain’t.
cuz even tho I know I want to fuck her (and would probably do a terrific job of it, too), there’s something rotten in the state, ya know?
something I cant quite put my finger on.
something… something…
I remember my sister once saying to me, “I’d never be attracted to someone who would join my fanclub. that says a lot about my self-esteem, doesn’t it?”
uh… yeah.
it kind of does.
and come to think of it… mine, too.
... aw, fuck.

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