Edward's mysterious disappearance
Edward had left her room before she got back. I feel terrible about this. Edward thought as he walked away from her castle. Anastasia Went into her room and saw a small sheet of folded paper on her bedside table. My dearest Anastasia we can not be together, for your safety. I love you with all my heart, Goodbye forever, my love.-Edward Edward continued walking down the road when someone came out of the woods and attacked him. “Come on Sir, we’re going to go have a little fun by the river.” The misterious man said as he dragged Edward into the woods. “What do you mean by fun?” Edward said, struggling to speak. “I mean me and a few friend are going to hurt you and we’re going to have fun doing that.” Oh fun Edward thought. The mystery man dropped him on the ground, grabbed rope, and tied him onto a tree. When Edward saw who it was he gasped. It was Anastasia’s father’s old advisor. He was now dressed in shabby ropes and a lot of dirt. “Arthur? Is that you?” He asked shocked. “Yes.Who are you?” “Edward.”