Beginning the Demise of Man 2
I did not understand why God had created such a stubborn race, they weren’t the hardiest beings on the planet,, still, they were the most loved. Insects.. they were to be respected, they survived through all things, big and small, yet they were the most misunderstood, the most hated.
Making my way to the Silver Water, I called to Arnon.. I explained what happened, I asked again, why did we fight for them, once again, I was made to understand. He had plans for them. Plans? It was incredible.. Man was the creator of this post nuclear earth, he built the destruction, he brought it to fruition, he tested it, then man became angry at man, and he used it. He talked of it now, said there was nothing like it. There had been, once, I witnessed it personally, Sodom and Gohmorrah.
It wasn’t that I was disobedient, protecting man wouldn’t be the problem but, we were a little lower than the angels and, we could be destroyed. I questioned (was man truly worth it). I think not.
As sad as it would be. my plan would go on.