NaNoWriMo Novel: Ch.6 Comfortable
She leaves and we talk. We talk about what has been going on since we haven’t talked and we get way in deep into the conversation that we barely even notice our food has come right in front of us. We stop to eat for a while then just pick up right were we leave off. We laugh along like we have been friends forever with jokes nobody would get. Our food is taken away, but we continue to talk.
“Ok, lets go for a walk in the village.â? He says after paying the waiter.
We both get up and walk out. I feel a cold breeze and button up my jacket. Putting my hands in my pockets, I stroll this little village with him. We talk some more and walk into stores. It feels like I am hanging out at the mall with a friend, but it feels like so much more. I feel more comfortable with him then I do with anyone.