
Nine Years

Nine years ago you stole my heart. You swept me away and made me believe in true love. It was then I experienced the exquisite taste of first love. The excitement and the exhilaration that comes from experiencing a powerful emotion for the very first time.
Nine years ago we were young and impressionable. Our lives set out in front of us like an expansive map. Our destiny was ours for the taking. Who knows what the future would hold.

Our lives took us places we never expected or imagined. We respectively learned things along the way. Lessons had to be learned, experiences had to be experienced. Life had lead us down separate paths.

Nine years later we find our paths have merged. At an instant it’s like time stood still. For a moment everything feels like its in place. Time did us a favor by teaching us lessons. It taught us that we were meant to be together. The world seems to suddenly make sense. Destiny is smiling with pride. We are meant to be

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