
Here's To You

Here’s to you, world.
May your head be held up high
May your love be prosperous
Find it in your heart to help the hurt
Give courage to those who need help
May you give us mercy.

Here’s to you, life.
May your setbacks bring us learning
May your hugs bring warmth
Find it in your heart to give ideas
Give hope to those lost
May you give us mistakes and hardships
So that one day we may learn how to live this life.

Here’s to you, insert name.
May your darkness be brighten
May your courage be restored
Find it in your heart to reach out
Give what you possess to those who want it
May you show us how amazing you are
So that everyday is as good as the last.

Here’s to everyone and everything.
May we be strong
May we be compassionate
Find in our hearts the dreams we have lost
Give us our hands to hold another
May we leave this world better than it was.

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