
One Hell of a Walk Part 1 [Missing Ficleteer Challenge]

It was a lovely Spring morning, she decided to take her golden retriever out for a walk. The sun shone, the flowers bloomed, the birds sang, it was the perfect day.

As she walked she thought of what new stories she could post on ficlets. She thought of that new series Dreamer was starting and how she hoped there would be a sequel when she got back to her computer. “Crap!” she said as she remembered that she had left the rather hot computer next to the large stack of rather flamable paper. I wonder if that could start a fire? She didn’t want to risk it so she decided to turn around and turn off her computer before continuing her lovely stroll.

She turned. The golden retriever didn’t. “Come on SKermitgorf,” she called to the dog (Yes, she had named it after her favorite ficleteer). The dog turned to her and simply shook his head. “I must finish this walk,” he said matter of factly. All she could do was stare.

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