
My Fault

I hugged my books tighter against my chest. My hair fell over my face, hiding me from the rest of the student body. Liz and I were up late, talking about how I should handle my John/James situation. I wasn’t sure if I could do this.
Just tell him how you feel. Be honest. And if he truely likes you, he won’t mind.
So my deed this morning was to tell John the truth. I walked past James’ locker and stopped short.
He was sucking the face off Jennifer.
Rage filled me as my eyes welled with tears. How could I has been so stupid? I should have known this would happen eventually.
I raced blindly to homeroom and ran into John. His arms instinctively wrapped around my waist. I cried, and my body shook. Never letting go of me, he led me to the band closet. He sat down in the back, pulling me onto his lap. He rocked back and forth. I couldn’t stop the flow of tears.
Poor John. I didn’t deserve him. I got what I deserved.
And I was getting my heart destroyed; I was only to blame.
My fault.

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