
I know I could cuz I did

I know I can, cause i have.
I aint cause i didn’t.
I won’t cuz I can.
I will because I did!
I did cuz i thought I could
We won because I dreamt
The ball felt hard and wet in my hand. The swishing of the wind and crowd rang loudly in my ears. I could see the jerseys coming at me too fast. My legs moved out of habit. It was cold, but the sweat ran slowly down my back as I bit my mouth piece. Let go of me I squealed!
Throw the ball, yelled the crowd!
The ball felt hard and wet in my hand. I jumped up and over the man in the wrong jersey, aimed and threw down the field. Heads turned. Slowly the ball climbed as it drilled tightly down the field. Five, ten , fifteen, twenty, twenty five, it flew. Run! I thought-faster deeper. Jump! He has it! Are the feet in? TOUCHDOWN ! Damn he can catch!

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