
Teenager-- Brothers Ruin Everything

Now came the punishment. I spent a period getting yelled at, while Danny and Edward took half of one. Nick got off scar-free. Made no sense, but, the three of us had more of a bad reputation.

So here I was. Frowning and glaring at Edward. Danny had after-school detention, because they believed he’d been the one to pull the alarm. Edward was frowning and glaring at me, too. My school is probably the weirdest school you’ll ever see. Especially when my older brother burst in the door.

I gaped at him.

“Sawyer, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Oh, nothing, just saving your butt. C’mon.”

I yelled at him that if that orginaztion, the one trained to hunt down us supernaturals and detain them, was coming, then we had to get Edward, Danny and Nick out too. He frowned, then nodded. Immediately I heard his booming voice over the loudspeaker.

“Would Daniel Gerant & Nicholas Lipeto please come down to the detention room. Right away.”

A teacher came running in. He had a frickin’ Taser in his hand.

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