Please don't mess this up!
“Uh, ya, the one downtown across from the pharamacy, why do you want to go?” Parker asked
“Ya, I do, I like watching animals, it calms me down, sometimes gives me inspiration.” I said..was the too stupid?
“Oh, do you want to go on Friday? I’m free and we could go get lunch later.”
Wow..spending the whole day at the zoo, with someone I just met….What would be the responsible thing to do?.....WWAD?(What would Audrey do?)...
“Ya, that’d be awesome” I said
“Great, I’ll see you there.” He said with a smile
I was kind of glad he didn’t ask to pick me up from my would have seemed more of a date to me..but it wouldn’t have been totally bad…
Putting my issues aside, I wanted to ask more about Parker’s drawing, but I wasn’t sure if this was the right moment to talk about it..things were finally looking up..please don’t mess this up..