parelllel skies part II
She died later that day. Beside my bf.
The fact isI was in alot of pain between the two of them but I’m glad one of them was okay. Anyways as I sat at the bedside of my boy toy. When I heard him say “ you know how much you mean to me? I love you like my own life. I never want you to let me go.” I knew he was just saying it because he was near death so I just said “baby….snap out of uit!! your gonna make it.” Then that’s when i noticed he was on the floor and music started playing and the light dimmed. “Jessica hazel crane.will you be mine” he announced. It masy justa been because I felt sorry for him but..uh I said yes!!!” So bam! just like that I was engaged. Anyways I brought him home from the hospital three days later to my house (yes thats right i have a 4 bedroom house even though I’m all alone) and you can guess what we did next. Hahaha anywaysthe problem started wbout 2 days after that. I’m the middle child of three sisters ha ha ha. And I found out my mother left me 12 million dollars…