Fervant Ficleteer Nomination Challenge
There are many dedicated writers here on ficlets. They intrigue others with they’re wonderful writing pieces, and they inspire their fellow ficleteers and open their minds. Whether it be through coming up with challenges, entering them, or offering kind, encouraging and constructive notes or comments, some people will leave a mark on ficlets that will never be forgotten. I would like to take this as an oppurtunity to thank Kevin L. for creating this wonderful site. On the ficlets homepage, there are icons of active ficleteers. They have created an astounding number of ficlets and left an immense number of comments.I would like to thank ficlets for everything it has done. So now, I would like to announce the Fervant Ficleteer Nomination Challenge. If you know a ficleteer who you believe is truly dedicated, wise, and passionate, then nominate them for this award. All you have to do is write a ficlet essay explaining why they deserve the award. I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say.