
A Crossroad Between Hevan and Hell

Chapter 1
Deep in the jungle of eastern Africa there was a ancient tribe stirring. This tribe was the most feared group of beings in all of Afica. It seemed nothing could stop them from raining their terror, and destruction on the world. This tribe was so feared that even the mentioning of their name made humans flinch. The name of this tribe was Croapian. The Croapians were very visious and evil. When an baby was born the infinte went through a series of test to see if it was worthy, strong enough, and honorable enough to bear the title of Croapian. The Croapians style of warfare was something like gorilla warfare, but much worse. These savages prayed on other human beings. Caniabals were the worst of hunters, this is because of their pray can defend themselves better. Along being extreamly brutal the Croapians were very smart and had stratigies that could out smart even modern rulers. A boy was just born in the Croapians breeding chambers. The special thing about this boy was he was the tribal masters son.

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