
An Atheist's Christmas Miracle

Now I’m not much of a believer in miracles. Hell I don’t believe in almost anything! In fact I’m one of the most despicable people that this world churns out, (right after athletes and politicians that is). I am an actor. One of the best actually. And damn proud of it too. Braxton Skyes. Actually if I’m going to tell this story as it happened I might as well be honest. My real name is Ashley Sikes. I know it sounds like a girl’s name but thats what you get when both of your parents are druggies. Now about a year ago I got an interesting phone call from my agent:

“Hey Ashley! What’s happening with my favorite celeb!”

“I told you not to call me that Marc.”

“Ok Ash baby but I got you a gig!”

“What is it?” I asked tentatively.

“It’s being directed by Spielberg himself!”

I sat up staighter.

“It’s basically the nativity story and he wants you to be Joseph!”

“Oh good,” I said, “Let me call you back.”

I mentioned that I don’t believe in anything right? That unfortunately includes God.

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