
The Watchguard- part 1

I sat leaned in my wheelie chair half asleep. Who the hell was gonna even think about breaking into a grocery store at 1 in the morning? My boss, Harry, was already snoring and the very sound of that was making me tired as well. But I have to keep my eyes on those screens. I stared at them with my eyes wide, hoping that would keep me awake.

Then I watched something flit by the one camera. I flew up out of my seat, as the movement surprised me. At first I thought it was a fly of some sorts, until the screens switched cameras. There, aisle 4, the meat section, was a girl. She looked to be about 3 years younger than me, being 23. She seemed so shaky and terrified.

I got out of the security room and bounded out towards that aisle.

But not to handcuff the girl.

But I wanted to watch her, figure out why she’s here.

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