

Challenge: arachibutyrophobia, the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth!

Well, if you’re allergic to peanuts….

If not, read the following:

There are two different aspects of this fear. a) the fear of different: when I run my tongue over the roof of my mouth it feels different when peanut butter is stuck there. b) the fear of restriction of movement: it’s hard to move your tongue around; it’s harder to swallow because the saliva gets absorbed by the peanut butter, and other food can get stuck to the peanut butter while eating.

Both of these are uncomfortable and restricting. Instinct tells me that I need to be as able as possible [in order to survive]. Therefore, my instinct tells me to become unrestricted and if I can’t then I panic. The only reason to be unrestricted is because restriction of anything lessons my ability to survive/defend/react and if I can’t survive then I’m dead.

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