
The Demon : Exorcism

My world is peaceful
Am I dead?
Or just away?
I feel no pain.
Yet I fell conquered
I need to destroy him.
I see nothing
But I begin to feel my head stinging
It feels as if a cross was being held against it
But that cross feels like its on fire.
I feel pain.
I see darkness.
I become dizzy.
Suddenly, my world opens.
I see the face of evil.
I see the demon.
It was staring me in the face.
I closed my eyes to make it go away.
He was still there.
Closing my eyes I pray.
He was still there.
I begin to say

“May the power of Christ compel you”

My eyes open.
They surround me.
They are smiling.
I feel clean.
The demon is gone.

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