
The Untold Story part 2

Sure he’s not the most interesting guy in the world, but he does have his moments of surprising you when you least expect it; like last year during the Easter holiday office party. Everyone was crowed around the food table, Chuck still talking about some slightly off-putting subject such as Pâté de foies de canard (duck liver pate) for instance, when out of no where he comes out with “Wow, that’s a really nice skirt you’ve got on, does it come with an easy-access hole?â€? Now, however inappropriate this may be it was still humorous considering it was Stacey Newman to whom he was referring to, and as hard as it was for me, I made an exception to his crude behavioural outburst. There’s a story behind Stacey Newman, but we’ll get to her later, this part of the story is how miserable I was on Christmas Eve. A day in which people are joyous and celebrating a sacred religious festivity that I was brought up to also celebrate and enjoy, but recently it just seemed pointless.

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