
Heroes Vs. Villains

“Um G2,” Lone Writer started. “I’m pretty sure that the Revolutionaries had their heads fully attached to their shoulders. Also, can we please wait until we are at least partially healed before we go into something guns blazing?”

“Since when do you not want to go into something guns blazing?” Oreos demanded.

“Since I’ve been shot reapeatedly and mauled by Mighty Joe Young!” Lone Writer snarled.

“All right,” G2 agreed reluctantly. “We’ll wait awhile.”

“Which Characters are we going to bring to life?” Lil’ Krully asked jumping up and down with excitement.

“Well I have one rule that I think we should all follow.” Fantasy piped up.

“And what is that?” G2 questioned.

“No villains.” She stated.

“I agree.” Orange nodded.

“They’re too unpredictable.” LW said.

“Well what about some heroes?” G2 asked.

“Who else would you choose?” Lil’ Krully frowned.

“Hey kid,” Lone Writer coughed painfully. “There are more Characters than just Heroes and Villains.”

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