How Do You Fear?
I stand in the center of a large room full of too many doors to count. It is the room of Fear. I am faced with a challenge. Which is the door that leads to Death?
I try the first door. I confront many things but at the end I meet Death face to face. I turn back.
The second door leads a different path but at the end I am still confronted with Death, just as I expected.
The next thirty doors all have the same result.
So I leave the room without checking the other doors, but on the way out I am confronted by someone.
She says, “I am afraid. How will I die?” I insist I don’t know, but she also insists I answer.
So I reply, “I can’t say unless you tell me which door you will open.”
To which she answers, “What if I’m not sure? You must tell me anyway.”
I shake my head. “I cannot explain the path of every single door in that room. That is an impossible feat, for the doors are endless. You must tell me: How do you fear? Then I will know how you will die.”
Wisely, she walks on without hearing an answer.