
On Diplomacy in the Future

Lives given in war against double indemnation. Flash forward 200+ years: triple indemnation legal – city, state, federal.

Diplomatic immunity, world-wide tolerance: Flash forward 200+ years: Visiting Emperor, in his country does not lay eyes on women and children that are not his own. Any found in his presence are killed without thought – it’s their belief, their religion, their way.

Myself (student of history, anthropology, need to know burned into my soul), my daughter, our pleasant shopping trip ripped away by our country’s military men shoving us into the upper stories of a building. Urged to silence. “Diplomatic Immunity.”

We hide in darkness. Dust clings to our nice clothes. Parade music and male voices echo songs of welcome to the visiting dignitary.

Can’t help myself. Move to the window, sliding through the darkness, noiseless…

I look down.

Gold embroidered white silk, tall hat – reminiscent of popes.
Dark face: hard, cruel, Pharaoh-painted.

He looks up.

Our eyes meet.

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