"Dread" High Aint So Bad After All 6
“Um.. Matt.. I sort of…” I started to say “Hey where’s mom and dad?” He asked me. Gah!! How was I going to get this out! “Um.. I think they’re at work. But Matt I need to tell you…” I started to say again. He just would not listen! Wow, sounding a little selfish. “Ok, well I’m going out for a while. You know, just to say hi to the old friends. I’ll see you in bit ‘k lil’ sis.” He said and walked out the front door…
Well, later that night wasn’t much easier anyways…
“Man mom, I have truly missed your fantastic meals.” Matt said to my mom. I think now would be a really good time to tell him. “Um.. Matt.” I said, sounding a little nervous. “Yea sis.” He said. “Um.. This is kind of hard for me to tell you.. But I sort of…. Have a date tomorrow…” I said. His eyes finally focused on me instead of the football game. “Oh. Is that all?” He asked me. Wow. So suddel about it. “Yeah.. That’s it.” I said. “Oh. Well, ok hope you have fun!” He said in a really confident voice. Man. That was easy.