
I must be loosing it

“You missed your face, silly.” I said. “Wait, I understand you? How can I? Who are you?â€? Keera said. “Okay, the therapist said I was going to imagine things… It’s okay Carly. Dogs don’t talkâ€? I said completely confused. I walked towards the stairs. Keera whimpered. I turned around and looked at her then walked up the stairs to my room. I sat down at my desk and began writing my essay for school. I had to go to the therapist tomorrow, so I tried typing faster since I would have little time tomorrow. I finished my essay around nine. I quickly jumped in the shower then went to bed. Keera layed next to me. When I got up the next morning it seemed too quiet. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. there was a note on the fridge. Carly I’m going to be gone for a few days on a buisness trip. Also I canceled your theray session today. I love you, Dad I took a deep breath then ran upstairs to get ready for school. I left Keera out, letting her roam the house. “Good-bye girl see you after school.”

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