
Winds of Change

With a puzzled look Gabriel asked, “What are you talking about Michael?â€?
God, who was still studying the butterfly intently, turned around slowly with eyes closed, rotating just by thinking of doing so. Inhaling a breath and exhaling gauzy mist, God answered His curious angel’s question with one word.
His eyes flew open, vibrant green irises filling the place of His usual placid gray ones. Flowers began to sprout at his feet, pushing away the sleepy fog as they embellished the void with color, scent and life. God inhaled once more and seedlings rose forth from the ground, rising towards a light that glowed from within them, like the one that lit the eyes of God as he grew the trees to perfection. Their leaves rustled pleasantly as His eyes returned to normal and a breeze twisted its fingers through his silver hair.
Together, the angels stood basking in the glory of the Creator. One angel: resigned, awed and thankful. The other: hotheaded, jealous, and plotting. God sensed that change was imminent.

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