
A Final Goodbye

I know, it’s hard to believe.

I don’t know hwy this is happening, and you probably know just about as much as I do about it.

Ficlets is going.

Ficlets is gone…

This isn’t nearly as much of a message of complaint as it is a final goodbye, a love letter to all of my fellow writers and ficleteers. I am just as frustrated as you are, just as angry, just as morose.

I am feeling what you are feeling.

I know I wasn’t the best writer, but I love ficlets as much as the next guy, and it’s a shame, really.

This won’t be nearly as heartfelt as I want it to be, but as a writer and a user of this site, I want to thank every single writer who has ever contributed to ficlets.

Even if I have never known, written with, or communicated with you, I can never thank you enough….ever.



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