Charlie's Two Women
“He never knows what’s best for him; always making the wrong choices!” The familiar female voice continued. “That Amy chick was such a flake! She tried that backwards roundhouse on me, but I saw it coming from a mile away! I’ve been in the ring longer than she’s been alive!”
I bristled. I really wanted to unload my entire clip on her, but it would give away my position, and she had back up.
I had separated with Wendie about two years ago. She was gaining a reputation in the kickboxing ring, and I was sick of following in her footsteps. I had training too! I wanted to call the shots.
Amy was a crack shot. I met her at the range. I startled her, and as she tried to shoot me, I caught her arms, flipped them around her back and tried to disarm her. She in turn, spun and tried to flip me! We ended in a wrestling match pinning each other.
After a few things were cleared up, we began doing some freelance work together. I nearly forgot about Wendie, until last night. And look where that got me!