
Dear AOL People...Your Decisions Are Horrible

AOL , you suck.

You suck royally.

I don’t know what you suck, but it may be something too horribly vulgar to put down in this little box.

Your decision to shut down Ficlets must be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard about.

As you can see, previously placid NightMaiden has become way too angry for her own good.

I hope the ‘people’ over at AOL understand what kind of value this site has to some Ficleteers.

Personally, it helped me through a very rough time in my life, and the people who commented on my Ficlets have anchored me in a way that usually makes me all mushy just thinking about it.

I hate thinking about not writing anymore about Aidan and her capers with Raine.

I hate thinking about not writing through the little ‘inspiration’ pictures.

I hate thinking that Ficlets will no longer be alive on my bookmarks anymore.

If you are reading this, AOL people, I’d like you to know that this is the stupidest thing that has happened after the downfall of Quizilla.

Happy writing,

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