Hey G2: AS you are one of the people that i know doesn’t have a facebook account just yet… i figured i’ll fill you in on comments we left on another thread:
@NightMaiden, kevin will be launching a “ficelts graveyardâ? with all of the Ficlets on here, so, thankfully those will not be lost for ever. ~ kevin has started work on a ficlets successor. yay! all the details are on the Facebook group “i write ficletsâ? http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=8538&post=76087&uid=24957299712#post76087
I encourage everyone who reads this to go to Facebook (if you can) and join the I write ficlets GROUP . There, Kevin has assured us that he is working to develop a site similar to Ficlets and will TRY to launch it around Jan. 15… HE STRESSES , however, that he cannot guarrantee the date of the launch. I even offered my own services should he require them.
So Ficlets may die .. but something better may be on the horizon.
I just wanted to add a little detail to the Facebook thread for those that do not, or cannot get an account at Facebook.
ALSO : I’d like to point people to an ONLINE place to publish your ficlets (for posterity).
I’m putting all of my backed up ficlets at www.redroom.com .. There are a lot of authors there who publish works .. and there’s even a comments option there …
At the very least it’s a place to put your works online somewhere for others to enjoy.
i saw it, protagonize – it’s almost very nearly like ficlets. but not. :/ everything is the same, except the group of people. we’re not the original gang anymore. but i guess it’s as good as it’s gonna get, until kevin’s project launches.
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
Dreamt of Turquoise
One Time, One Chance