When One Door Closes... (part one)
The closing of ficlets is a heartrending reality that we all mourn at. But I want to give you guys hope. So let me say this. I know what it’s like to have such a wonderful door of oppurtunities in our lives close. It is perhaps one of the hardest things that we will endure as human beings. I used to go to this small, kind, loving Catholic school that was such a wonderful place to be. I loved that school with all of my heart, as did my mom and dad. I went there from 1st grade to 3rd grade. When I found out that the school was going to close, my family and I were heartbroken. It was a time of great sadness in my life. But do you know what? I soon came to gain the same great cherishing love and spirit for the new school I started. It was a Christ centered, faith based school as well, except it was three times as big as my old one. Sure, it took a while to get adjusted, but I soon came to know it as my “second home”. To this day, it is still one of my favorite places to be.