
Our new best friend

I saw a new girl walk into the cafeteria. I stood up and walked over to her. “Hi, I’m Annie. I love your hair. Come sit with me.” “I’m Bridget, thanks.” We walked back to my my table. I pointed to my sister. “This is Anastasia, my twin and Fay our best friend.” They waved. “This is Bridget she just moved here.” We sat down and begn to talk and learn more about our new friend. My cell phone all of a sudden went off. I opened it, a text from Jake Hey baby, What’s up I really miss you. . I turned towards Bridget. Y”ou see that girl over there, the short one, she is enemy number one. We pull pranks on her everyday. You can join in if you’d like.” She smiled. “Sounds like fun, but why is she enemy number one?” “When we were in third grade she made fun of us everyday and now we’re getting revenge.” I said in a low growl. “She torchered us everyday until we got to seventh grade.” Anastasia said. Everyone at the table turned to her and glared. “She’s going to be gone soon and no more problems.” I reminded them.

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