
Science equals boring

The school bell rang. THANK GOODNESS One more period then we’re free. We all walked to our lockers that were connected together. “Bridget. What class are you going to?” I asked. “Science.” She groaned. “Us too.” I pointed at Anastasia and Fay.(We have all the same classes.) We all walked to class slowly and got in there seconds before the late bell rang. Mrs. Mirna started her boring lesson as soon as we all sat down. “Ms. Anne the answer please.” she said abnoxiously. “The answer is E=Mc2.” I answered confidently. “Very good, maybe you do pay attention.” Mrs. Mirna said. The rest of the class went by slowly. tick…tick…tick that’s all I heard from the annoying clock on the back wall. Finally after what felt like hours the class was over. My clique and I met over by my desk. “Finally. Your teachers here are really boring.” Bridget said. “Yeah I know.” Anastasia and Fay said. We all walked out and I ran over into the small wooded area by the buses. “Jake!” I screamed as we hugged each other.

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