
The Wave

I heard screaming. Wondering what was going on, so I climbed up a nearby palm tree. As I reached the top I looked towards the beach. People were running frantically away from the ocean, leaving behind all belongings. Pure white sand being was kicked up as men, women, and children scampered towards the inland.
Then I saw what they were afraid of. A giant wave, nine stories high at least, was only a couple of miles away.Sirens began to scream, and the whole island was alive. Animals and humans alike looked for a way out, but there was none.
The island was small. So small that it would be completely washed away by the wave. The only way to get on or off was via the cruise ship. The cruise ship was gone.
I jumped out of the tree I had climbed up in and began to walk casually towards the beach. Standing alone in the pure white sand I felt the full force of the wave hit me, crushing my ribs and skull into my vital organs.

Somewhere, a government official snickered.

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