
Baby, we're invincible(manwhore series)

It was Shane..he actually looked …scared..maybe it was because he knew Kieren would kick his ass if anything happend to Lark.

That one word tore Lark apart..and that literally.


Before Kieren, Lark had certain feelings for him..his name was William. She started liking him also knowing that he liked her..but in the end it didn’t work out..she was broken and he went with another girl but secretely having feelings for Lark..

“Shane..just ..just leave..please” I said.

“Okay” He said obediantly

“Lark..stay with me..look, i hear the ambulance..come on..please stay with me..who else is going to make fun of my hair, or my clothes, or coordination?” I coaxed.

“I’ll try..but ..I want to tell you something.” She said softly.

“What?” I said.

“I want to keep it.” She said.

“Really?” I said shocked.

“Ya, it wouldn’t be fair to Kieren, and its part of me now, and I don’t want anything to happen to it.” Lark said.

The workers came and put Lark in the ambulance

“Kieren, stay”

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