
A Princess Returns

Headlong and nearly tripping over her overly long robe, Miriam Montefort came screaming out the back door. Tears streaked her mascara, already carefully applied for the day. Curlers trailed behind her as she overtook the maid.

“Sariah! My baby!” Skidding to her knees, she wrapped the child in her arms, momentarily oblivious to the mud and earthy stink. The child slumped slightly in her arms.

Miriam went on, “Oh, you dear child, you dear, dear child…how could you do this to me?! Do you know what you’ve put me through?! The worry, the fretting, the men in the house…” She stopped and tightened her hug, offering a reserved smile to the boy who stood beaming tiredly next to her daughter.

Miriam’s tone softened, “Don’t you worry about that now. We’ll get you inside and all cleaned up. Our little princess will be beautiful again. Such a beautiful little princess, yes.”

With that she stood and led the child inside by the hand, picking bits of mud and grass off her fine robe with fastidious fingers.

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