
Branching Out

I was always shy about my writing (and still am to an extent) and never really showed anyone what I wrote. By chance…some chance that I just forgot just now I came across Ficlets. I signed up and tentativley wrote my first ficlet about a picture of lightning. I waited anxiously, figuiring no one would really comment on it. My smile was wide when the next day I found a comment (Thanks blueyedwonder!), telling me that it was pretty good.
Well, you couldn’t stop me then and everyday I was on the computer, typing away.
Looking back I can’t say that my Ficlets were great but this site let me expirement with my writing and not worry about what anyone was going to say.
I stopped writing as much on here about six months ago (I was getting to pale from lack of sunlight) but I’m going to miss Ficlets and the amazing people on this site.
Thank You!!!

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