I write because it’s the only thing I actually know how to do competently. I write because it’s perhaps my only real talent. I write because people enjoy what I write. But, above all other things, I write because I enjoy writing.
Posting work on Ficlets isn’t difficult. You load up the site, you type, you entitle, you tag, you publish. Simple. What’s difficult is putting your work out there, letting people see it and comment on it. Comments never interested me – I just wanted somewhere that allowed me to stretch my creative muscles in between placing orders at work – but everybody had such nice things to say about my little scribblings. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to seeing what people thought of my latest brainfart.
I want to thank you all for reading my work and giving me what I hope is an honest opinion. I don’t doubt that one day I will have to stop writing (we’re all gonna die sooner or later!) but it’s a shame that Ficlets had to stop before I got the chance to.