Who would have guessed?
“Huh..well you see it all happend last year..Juliana and Mclain and me were throwing a huge end of the year party” claire started.
“Wait..you guys were friends?” I asked
“Best friends actually…anyway so i had a boyfriend then, Nate, and well, before he asked me out, Juliana liked him too. But he liked me so I said yes, I asked juliana if she was okay with the fact that I was going out with her crush..She said it was fine.”
“Oh..I never would have guessed that you guys were best friends” I said.
“Ya..well so anyway, it was the night of the party..and…”Her body was shaking, tears started making their way down her ivory colored face.
“Claire?...You okay?”
“Well, do you want to talk about it?” I asked.
“Ya..I need to, you’ve really been a good friend, Thanks Kira”
“You’re welcome Claire, You too..so what happend next..”