

Beccan purred, tail twitching. Ganymede loomed in the window, sparkling with an infinite number of pinpoints of color, lights of a billion residents. Home at last. Her ears perked in the direction of the comm, tuned to the Sommerfeld-Feinberg band, for trans-orbit traffic control. Jupiter’s traffic was analogous to that of late 21st century New York City, Earth: the 7th level of hell.
Docking completed, she stood and lifted off the deck, stretching. She drifted in the 1/8 gee she preferred to the 5/8th that the rest of the ship had. Her body complained. The 43 hour trip from Nereid was brutal, and despite the best genetic engineering that added her cat ears, tail, reflexes, stamina, and feline personality traits to her human body, she was exhausted. And she missed Daniel something fierce.
She drifted to the door and grabbed the handle to bring herself to the floor, preparing for the increase in gravity as she stepped out into the hallway.
A shower first. Then she must see her beloved. It was good to be back.

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