
Ficlets Farewell Party Challenge (pt 41)

Kevin Lawver guided the characters back home, like a shepherd guiding a flock of sheep. In the distance, I saw Essie walking side by side Casimir. I felt no jealously; merely the ache for romance. I wanted Essie to end up with Casimir in the end, because that would be as grand as me being with him. However, I knew that even though I had written their story, I did not control their hearts. Only time and love could define the outcome.
I receded from where I stood and walked back to the center of the clearing, where the time capsule was. I thought of putting in the stone that Casimir gave me, but then decided against it. I wanted to hold onto it.
As I looked at my fellow ficleteers, I noticed that many of them had gone home as well. BernerO went back into the house to explore.

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