"Dread" High Aint So Bad After All 8
“Wow, Claire. Don’t you look magnificent” said Chris. Don’t blush, don’t blush don’t blush… Too late. “Thanks. My, don’t you look dashing” I said. Ha! He blushed too! Yay. At least I wasn’t alone here. “Shall we go then Ms. Claire?” he asked me. _Umm.. Let me think.. Yes! I thought. “We shall” I said and we walked out the door.
Well, your probably wondering how the date ended. It sucked. Ha ha. Just kidding! I t w a s a w e s o m e. We talked about anything and everything. We never stopped to tell you the truth. Turns out that we have a lot in common. Well, everything!!! It’s great having a popular kid like you. But, let me tell ya, him being popular doesn’t even matter. I liked Chris for him, and I think he likes me for me… Now, how many guys- I mean popular guys- do you find like that?