
Caution vs. Instinct

But by who? And why didn’t I ever notice that there was a giant walled off space, that i now know conceals a staircase lined with illegal wiring?

Fear grabs hold of my gut as I continue down, careful now not to touch the walls, instead keeping my hands in front of me. Step by step, I go down, concentrating on where I think my feet are, never fully putting my weight down until I’m sure my foot has a place to land safely. I continued this way for what seemed like hours, but according to my watch was no more than 5 minutes. Without any light, time seems to slow, even stop, because there is no indicator that it moves, only that I move, painstakingly slow. So painful, in fact, that I became sick of no more than 10 steps per minute and sped it up a bit. Putting instinct over caution, I put my hands down by my sides and walked normally.

Sadly instinct didn’t add in my general clutsyness and in a matter of seconds I overestimated and fell head over heals.

“Hey, watch it!” cried a voice in the dark.

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