
Chain of Ill Logic

Working more at odds than in concert with the maid’s careful efforts, Miriam attempted to correct her daughter’s disheveled state. This just wouldn’t do, as the child’s father would be home soon.

“Oh, Sariah, you silly child. You gave us such a fright! I was nearly out of my mind with worry.” She failed entirely to see the servant roll her eyes. Instead, her mind drifted, backing once again away from reality.

“Course, I remember being young, headstrong and full of dreams…such lovely dreams.” Her tone turned whistful, “But dreams won’t sustain you forever, child. Heh, forever child. What a funny turn of phrase…such a lovely thought.”

Once rolled eyes now narrowed with a little concern, but Mrs. Montefort snapped back for a moment, “Why am I blathering? We must hurry. Your father will be home soon…your father…”

And with that she was gone again, mincing down the hall muttering, ”...home soon.”

She was off to make herself presentable.




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