

I love you,Ficlets.
I haven’t been on here in a while I finally come to see that it’s leaving!My heart breaks for Ficlet.I may sound like a weirdo,saying bye to this site.
My written stories and typed ones shall forever live on.
I’ll miss you,Ficlets,may you have a good one.
I’ll miss the story starters
and the endings,too.
I’ve made some friends from Ficlets
and they will miss this too.
I would sign a petition
if it did exist.
I hope others will miss you and some might actually cry
This was such fun site
The featured stories were cool
and though mine never made it,
I hope this one does
For people to spread the word,
but do not mourn
For Ficlets shall live on
and shall be in all our hearts
Spread the message and the love
Keep Ficlets alive in your writing
Put them first in dedications
think of Ficlets when ever you write a Project
a Story
a poem
a script
a skit
even a love letter
for all you good top-writers,
I wish you all the best.

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